When it comes to Penny Spencer’s plans for Spencer Travel, the sky is literally the limit. Spencer explains how with a bit of hard work, and a clear business plan, Spencer Travel became one of Australia’s few Virgin Galactic space agents.
Spencer’s enthusiasm for travel is clear within moments of stepping into Spencer
Travel. Her attitude is reflected in the
inviting, colourfully decorated office. Surrounded by the warm colours I’m
instantly at home, not that the managing director is at all surprised. In fact
my reaction is what she often rouses from customers and staff when they enter
the Feng Shui designed space. “The environment is very important,” says
Spencer. “Everyone spends so much time in their office space; it should have
the right energy, and the right feeling.” Without a single speck of grey, or an
uninviting sharp corner in sight, I settle into my chair and listen to how this
glowing mother-to-be went from stamping brochures to selling tickets to space.
always knew her place was in the travel industry, and desperate to get a start,
she began knocking on the doors of suburban travel agencies, offering to work
for free. Eventually she was taken on by Adventure World Travel, and before
long hired as a Girl Friday to run every errand imaginable. “It was a good leg
to get into the industry and understand the business right from the bottom,”
says Spencer.
dream of doing things the Spencer Travel way was in the back of her mind as she
climbed the travel industry ladder, and finally, nine years ago, the dream
became a reality. Since then, her corporate travel agency has recorded a growth of 500 percent, and an
annual turnover of $15 million. It has taken Spencer 17 years to get to where
she is, and she now offers her employees the same opportunity to work their way
to the top. Read More…