Monday, September 20, 2021

Why You Must Engage a Trusted TMC in the Current Climate


Spencer Travel is equipped with the essential tools to help you navigate the new world of business travel with a complete understanding of airline rules, visas, cross-borders, changing seasons, health precautions and visas, that are more complicated post COVID-19.

Travel now involves protocols and regulations varying from one destination to another with measures changing constantly. Having a knowledgeable travel expert by your side who handles these complex booking processes will give you complete peace of mind.


  • Repatriating families back into Australia at the height of the pandemic.
  • Repatriating elderly parents and unaccompanied minors.
  • Advising clients of their upcoming trips into areas of concern or where there will be a snap lockdown.
  • Communicating and negotiating tickets on hold to achieve expiry extensions and encourage adoption of airline credits.
  • Managing group bookings during times of reduced availability.

Learn more about Spencer Travel’s experience and expertise and download the flyer today.